A web application that analyzes Facebook Marketplace listings to provide insights on the best deals, allowing for significant leverage in bargaining. A GRU-based RNN for price prediction and a SVM for brand name inference was trained on the Mercari data set, and a web scraper was used to collect the Facebook Marketplace data.
A web-based constraint satisfaction problem that generates a personalized workout schedule based on selected muscle groups, and utilizes a heuristic that optimizes based on maximal muscle recruitment. Each workout is accompanied by the exercise name, target muscles, and mechanics.
A microservice based stock trading platform that allows users to buy and sell stocks in real-time by setting either market or limit orders, as well as manage their portfolio. A matching engine using a Pro-Rata algorithm is used to match buy and sell orders, and a RESTful API is used to communicate with the front-end, using minted session tokens for authentication.
An AWS-deployable wrapper for the GraphQL Facebook Marketplace API. Using AWS Lambda, and API Gateway as the serverless backend and BrightData as a residential proxy, the API provides a RESTful interface for scraping Facebook Marketplace listings, and a GraphQL interface for querying the data.
A dynamic web application serving as a virtual hub for the Sikh community. Members can view upcoming events at the Gurdwara, book their own events, and explore educational resources about Sikhism, creating a modern connection to traditional practices.
A sleek and professional web application for Skylark Maintenance, a local janitorial business. The platform showcases their expertise, highlights their experience, and attracts new clients through a user-friendly and visually appealing interface.